
CMF Personal Training Agreement

By signing this agreement below, I am agreeing to the following terms of personal training:

_______  I agree to pay for all personal training sessions in full prior to scheduling my first appointment.


_______  I understand that the discounted prices are applicable only if I pay for the multiple sessions in full prior

   initials      to my first appointment using those multiple sessions.

_______  I understand that in order for me to cancel an appointment and not be charged, I must call my trainer

    initials      at least                hours prior to my appointment. (Phone number:                                                                )

_______  If I arrive more than 15 minutes late for my appointment, then I forfeit that training time and will be charged

    initials      for that session.

_______  I understand that every effort will be made to accommodate my preference for my appointment time as

    initials     well as the specific trainer I request, but due to other appointments, health fairs, etc. it may not always
                be possible.

_______  I understand that if I have not disclosed known medical information about myself to the staff/personal trainer

    initials      it may affect my ability to exercise and that my trainer will not be held responsible for injuries, illnesses, or
                negligence that occurs due to that lack of information.

In signing below, I agree to the above conditions for personal training as well as all other policies of the facility.

Signature:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                                                              Date:                                                                

Printed name:                                                                                        (w) Phone number:                                          

                                                                                                                (h) Phone number:                                          

Staff/Personal trainer:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­                                                                           Date: